We maintain websites for genetic variants in the human coagulation factors F5, F7, F8, F9, F10 and F11.

    F10 Variants

Factor X (FX) deficiency is caused by variants in the F10 gene, which encodes coagulation Factor X. Compiled within this database are 180 unique variants in the F10 gene, corresponding to 427 individual cases.

    Citing Us

Please reference this website by citing the following publications:

  • Harris VA, Lin W, Perkins SJ. Analysis of 180 genetic variants in a new interactive FX variant database reveals novel insights into FX deficiency. 2021; 5: e557-e569. DOI PMID: 35059555

  • Saunders RE, O'Connell NM, Lee CA, Perry DJ, Perkins SJ. Factor XI deficiency database: an interactive web database of mutations, phenotypes, and structural analysis tools. Hum Mutat. 2005; 26: 192-198. PMID: 16086308

    What can you do in this database?

This website enables readers to investigate all pathogenic variants reported in the F10 gene prior to April 2021. The database includes sequence, structural and statistical information on the variants.

Additionally, there is an online form enabling readers to submit new variants and contribute to the genetic services provided by this website.

For easy navigation across the website, please click for the Site Map.

  Simple Nucleotide Search



  Simple Amino Acid Search



    Nomenclature: HGVS & Legacy  

    Have you or someone you know been diagnosed with Factor X Deficiency?  

    Latest Release- Version 1.0 (April 2021)  

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Factor X Variant Database